20 Sep Wexford Equestrian Autumn Grand Priz Show
Grand Prix show wexford Ec
Sunday 29 th Sept
We would like to introduce the following for our show on sun 29 th sept at wexford equestrian and hope that both venue & riders working together in cooperation we can run an efficient & enjoyable show for riders & spectators. We need entries to make this work to cover additional expenses so this where the riders support is required.
We will have EQUIPE timing and results for ALL pre entered classes on the day ie 1.10/1.20 with €10 deposit & Grand Prix full entry fee in the main arena
Download the app to see start lists and keep track on the day !!!!
1. Pre entry to all classes in main GP arena Sid Flynn seaweed 1.10 & Doagh Equestrian 1.20 €10 online and full entry for Balcombes claims management & DPL limited Grand Prix €35 to sji by usual 4 pm deadline Thursday prior
2. Entry on the day second arena 90/1m/1.10/1.20
3. Start lists published Thursday prior with multiple entries catered for with as much time possible between horses.
4. 30 minutes allowance at start of 1.10 first class only pre entry list for late entries of approx 10/15 horses only if class is not full prior ( no additional slots allocated and given on first entered basis ready to jump at the published start time ) given when start lists are up
5. First person on 1.10 start list pre entered jumps FREE! Random selection by sji start list generator !
6. Any riders may move up with starter permission but missed slots will be charged in full.
7. Results will be published live during the show on Equipe app
8. Class articles and Rider jump times will also be published on start lists once entries received
9. Starts lists will be published by 10 am Friday 27 th to all to be uploaded on Equipe app with email sent to confirm
10. Meadows cafe will offer full meals all day at reasonable prices
11. Doagh equestrian on site will offer amazing sale prices on many items inc Rugs and can be seen on relevant Facebook pages / pre order system also in place if you call the contact no below
12. parking in accordance with health & safety will be in place and we ask you to honor our parking attendants with the curiosity of following their instructions on the day
We endeavor to run this show according to the format above and welcome any constructive feedback to our reception desk at our comments box on the day or feel free to contact us 0863902309 after
Please share this information to as many riders and spectators as possible ! We hope you will support our show !