24 May Glencarraig Lady Leader Board after Raheen na Gun
Shows this week end are in Ballivor & Warrington on 9th June (Saturday)
Glencarraig lady Leagueleader board un 9 years after raheennagun
Glencarraig lady Leagueleader board un 11 years after raheennagun
Final this year is in Barnadown on August Bank Holiday Saturday
Anna Moloney on Little Tayto winner of Best Turned out at Barnadown
Barnadown hosted the third leg of the Glencarraig Lady League with Anna Moloney on Little Tayto taking the Best Turned Out Prize as well as gaining her full 50 points. Anna comes from Warrington in Co Kilkenny.
Results of Barnadown G LL
Glencarraig lady un11 leader board
Glencarraig lady LLeader Board un 9 years
Glencarraig Lady League is well on its way with riders travelling down to Warrington Equestrian to compete in the class.
under 9 years Leader Board GLL 2018after Warrington
under 11 leader board after warrington
Next GLL will be held at Raheen na Gun, Co Kilkenny this week end
Raheen na Gun on June Bank Holiday week end 3/4th June
Warrington 9th June
Ballivor Agricultural Show 9 June
Gorey Agricultural Show 16th June
Ballyfoyle 24th June
Coilog Equestrian 17th June
Flavour of Fingal 24th June
Castlegannon 15th July
Clonroche 15th July
Adamstown Show 7th July
Inisteague 8th July
Bannow Rathangan 12th July(Thurs)
Barnadown 21st July
Mullingar 21/22 July
Other show dates may be added to this list. Please note that you must have 300 points to jump in the Finals which will be held in Barnadown on Saturday 4th August, 2018
Make sure you check the Bulletin to confirm that the show is running.
Wishing all our riders the very best of luck and please remember to enjoy yourself.
all enquiries to [email protected]